Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles
Fear of Heights

Overcome Fear of Heights by Harnessing Hypnotherapy & Reiki Healing

The fear of heights, acrophobia, can cast a shadow over one’s experiences, limiting the joy of magnificent views and causing distress in daily life. Seeking relief beyond conventional methods, hypnotherapy and Reiki sessions emerge as potential allies in conquering this fear and reclaiming a life unrestricted by acrophobia’s grip. Understanding Acrophobia’s Hold Acrophobia triggers intense …

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD

Hypnotherapy & Reiki can help to Overcome OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can significantly impact one’s daily life, causing persistent and intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions). While various treatment approaches exist, exploring alternative therapies like hypnotherapy and Reiki sessions has shown promising results in alleviating the symptoms of OCD. Understanding OCD OCD affects millions worldwide, manifesting in different forms, such as compulsive …

Qualities of a Good Tarot Card Reader

There are several qualities that can make a good Tarot card reader: Intuition: a good Tarot card reader has a strong sense of intuition and is able to trust their inner voice when interpreting the cards. Knowledge: a good Tarot card reader has a deep understanding of the symbolism and meanings behind each card in …

Tarot Cards reading service

Embodying the Queen of Pentacles

Introduction: I embrace the empowering archetype of the Queen of Pentacles. As a professional tarot card reader and Reiki healer, I have chosen this symbol to represent the essence of my practice and the qualities I strive to embody. In this blog post, I want to share with you the significance behind my choice and …